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Founder's Message


Reverend Diane Nagorka, Founder NSSC


To: Reverend Dr. Rainey Cheeks

Dear Kindred Spirit,


We stand on the threshold of this new year of 2023.  During this time of extraordinary personal, community, national and global challenges, we are called to recommit to living and serving with Divine Light and Divine Love. Rev Rainey has heard this call and is living his commitment to Spirit by spearheading a new cycle of growth for the NSSC. His work will infuse you and your communities with new understanding, Light, Love and Peace.

Please join me in celebrating a new season of services, classes and meetings with Rev Rainey and the light-workers of the NSSC.  Rev. Rainey is a powerful channel and master teacher, carrying on the tradition of service through love. 


Each of you has heard the call of your soul, beckoning you to stand in the Light and embody Love within yourself and your communities. I am with you all in spirit. I celebrate you as you take your next steps along your path of growth and enlightenment.


You will soon receive the new and updated schedule of services and classes. Please be sure to review all offerings and select those that speak to you. I encourage you to share this information with like-minded friends and family.


My heart and prayers are with you as you continue your journey of discovery, growth, and service.


Rev. Diane